Menşe Yeri
China (Guangdong)
Operating system
Window 10/11 OR Android 11/13
Window standard Chipset
Intel Corei3/i5/J4125/J1900/J6412/RK3568
Android standard Chipset
RK3568: Quad-core Cortex-A55 up to 2.0GHz
Touch LCD Panel
Capactive screen 21.5" (1920X1080 IPS, BOE)
Printer built-in
USB and COM ports are optional With 80mm printer (paper bin: 80*80mm)
Windows standard RAM+SSD
Android standard RAM+SSD
standard :2G+32G
MSR and peripherals
WIFI MSR RFID (Read-only) RFID (Read-write)
Characteristic accessories
Handheld terminal stand in kiosk